Single family house located in Kačergine, which is a small and quiet town near Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania. Located very close to the river the house was designed as a single standing modern item in a natural landscape. Because of the plasticity and its soft layout the house smoothly integrates into the site without drastically influencing natural surroundings.

There are no other buildings in the close proximity; also, all trees and the greenery were preserved to be naturally integrated with the newly build living house structure.Both stone and wood are traditional building materials for the countryside in Lithuania. The second floor’s volume with white-coloured plaster creates an impression as if “flying” under the glass walls of the first floor of the house; it also looks like a white seagull flying over the river – a common occurrence in this part of the country.The ground floor of the house contains common-use areas such as garage, Jacuzzi and sauna rooms, studio, kitchen, dining and living spaces. The rounded plan of the building carries a dual function. On the Southern side, because of its shaped form, the building creates a cosy inner area, while on the opposite side of the building the living room window opens straight to the river.

While standing in the inner area of the building the glass windows-walls of the structure engage the viewer to look towards the river which once again turns into an integral part of the house and the landscape. On the second floor of the house, all four bedrooms have large windows and terraces which, too, open to the river. 

photo Gintaras Balčytis





NAMAS KAČERGINĖJE, Kačerginė, Lietuva

  • Architectūros studija Dviejų grupė
  • Projekto architektas Gintaras Balčytis
  • Konstruktorius Vytautas Speičys
  • Užsakovas Privatus
  • Rangovas UAB “Tondas”
  • Fotografijos Gintaras Balčytis
  • Sklypo plotas 1217 m2
  • Pastato plotas 315.2 m2
  • Projektavimas ir statyba 2008-2010


  • Projektas buvo nominuotas Mies van der Rohe 2011 prizui gauti. 

